On Jul 2, 2015, at 6:34 AM, Tim Brown <tim.br...@cityc.co.uk> wrote:

> Folks,
> I have two pull requests related to my separation of "net/url-string"
> from "net/url".
> plt/racket #948  implementation of the separation
> racket/net #4    test and documentation of the above
> My problem is that I have been working on other things, and these are
> now not able to be merged into the master. (I've tried "get pull
> --ff-only..." as per Greg Hendershott's crib sheet)

Did you try `git pull --ff-only` from your topic branch, or from the master 

> How do I resolve this?

You probably need to checkout the master branch, then do git pull --ff-only 
upstream master,
then checkout your topic branch, and then `git rebase -i master`, find the 
conflicts, and resolve them.

After you resolve them you will (I think) need to `git add` the files that you 
resolved conflicts for, then
 `git rebase --continue`, and then when the rebase is finished, `git push -f 
origin topic-branch`.

Hope this helps!
Alex Knauth

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