Where exactly do you see sql-timestamp->srfi-date failing? In your
examples, what I'm seeing is incorrect translation from UTC to UTC-4,
but I don't see where the translation from sql-timestamp to date* is
going wrong. Could you point to exactly where you see the problem?

As far as offsetting time zones properly, Racket's built-in libraries
will not help you there. You might want to check out my library,
gregor: http://pkg-build.racket-lang.org/doc/gregor/index.html. You'd
still need to write your own sql-datetime->moment function, but that's
not difficult. In fact:

(require gregor)
(require racket/match)

(define (sql-timestamp->moment t)
  (match-define (sql-timestamp y mo d h mi s n tz) t)

  (moment y mo d h mi s n #:tz (or tz 0)))

Unfortunately, since sql-timestamp only represents time zones as
offsets from UTC, you're a bit limited from the start. Gregor
certainly can use UTC offsets as TZs but prefers to use IANA names
(e.g., "America/New_York").


On Sat, Aug 22, 2015 at 3:45 PM, George Neuner <gneun...@comcast.net> wrote:
> Ok, reading the docs more carefully, I realized that  seconds->date  takes a
> boolean and not a time zone offset, but that doesn't explain why
> sql-timestamp->srfi-date is not working properly.
> I'm now offsetting the time with
> (seconds->date
>     (+ (date*->seconds ts  #f) (* timezone 60 60))
>      #f))
> which gives me the right time, but in the wrong time zone.
> Just how do I offset time zones properly?   Do I need to construct the date*
> piecemeal?
> Thanks,
> George
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