On Sat, Aug 22, 2015 at 4:36 PM, George Neuner <gneun...@comcast.net> wrote:
> The latter code using date works properly (modulo the time zone field) and
> gives consistent results, but the former using date* gives inconsistent
> results.
>  E.g.,: with timezone = -5
> => expires #(struct:sql-timestamp 2015 8 22 21 56 33 805346000 0)
> => expires #(struct:date* 33 56 21 22 8 2015 6 233 #f 0 805346000 "")
> => expires #(struct:date* 58 9 17 22 8 2015 6 233 #f 0 346000000 "UTC")
> => expires #(struct:sql-timestamp 2015 8 22 22 23 45 95751000 0)
> => expires #(struct:date* 45 23 22 22 8 2015 6 233 #f 0 95751000 "")
> => expires #(struct:date* 20 25 17 22 8 2015 6 233 #f 0 751000000 "UTC")

These both look wrong to me. Maybe I'm confused, but my understanding
is that the database timestamp is in UTC, and you want a date*
representing the same point in time, but in specified UTC offset. In
other words, Your first example here starts with
2015-08-22T21:56:33.805346Z. Your end result is
2015-08-22T17:09:58.346, which is clearly not exactly 5 hours offset.

In the second example, you start with 2015-08-22T22:23:45.95751000Z
and wind up with 2015-08-22T17:25:20.751, which is also wrong, but by
a considerably smaller margin. I actually can't reproduce the problem
in the second example, but I'm also running It looks to me
like date->seconds roundtrips correctly w.r.t. seconds->date but
date*->seconds does not:
> d
(date* 33 56 21 22 8 2015 6 233 #f 0 805346000 "")
> (seconds->date (+ (* -5 60 60) (date->seconds d #f)) #f)
(date* 33 56 16 22 8 2015 6 233 #f 0 0 "UTC") ;; correct, modulo nanoseconds
> (seconds->date (+ (* -5 60 60) (date*->seconds d #f)) #f)
(date* 58 9 17 22 8 2015 6 233 #f 0 346000000 "UTC") ;; incorrect

So, yeah, I'd say that there's a bug in date*->seconds:
> (date->seconds d #f)
> (date*->seconds d #f)
1440281398 173/500

Let's see what this looks like in gregor's terms:
> (define d (moment 2015 8 22 21 56 33 805346000 #:tz "UTC"))
> d
#<moment 2015-08-22T21:56:33.805346Z[UTC]>
> (adjust-timezone d (* -5 60 60))
#<moment 2015-08-22T16:56:33.805346-05:00>
> (->posix d)
1440280593 402673/500000


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