So a kind of pretty-printing for at-expressions?

I'm not aware of an existing procedure to do this.

It has some interesting wrinkles. Following is my "Greenspun's Tenth
Rule" version. (An ad hoc, informally-specified, bug-ridden, slow
implementation of half of what's probably needed.)

I've commented some deficiencies, I suspect there are many more.

#lang racket

;; IMPROVE-ME: Make something usable as a pretty-print-handler
(define (print/at-exp stx-or-sepxr)
  (match stx-or-sepxr
    [(? syntax? stx) (print/at-exp (syntax->datum stx))]
    [(list (? symbol?          f)
           (? (negate string?) xs) ...
           (? string?          ss) ...
                               ys  ...)
     (display #\@)
     (display f)
     (unless (empty? xs)
       (display #\[) (display (string-join (map ~a xs) " ")) (display #\]))
     (unless (and (empty? ss) (empty? ys))
       (display #\{)
       (for ([v (in-list (append ss ys))])
         (cond [(string? v) (display v)]
               ;; FIXME: Encode @ as @"@"
               ;; IMPROVE-ME: Surround in pipe chars only when necessary
               ;; IMPROVE-ME: Do line-wrapping at column N.
               [else (display "@|")
                     (display v)
                     (display "|")]))
       (display #\}))]
    [(list (? symbol? f) vs ...)
     (display #\@)
     (display f)
     (display #\[) (display (string-join (map ~v vs) " ")) (display #\])]
    [v (print v)]))

(print/at-exp #'(foo 1 2)) (newline)
(print/at-exp #'(foo 1 2 "a")) (newline)
(print/at-exp #'(foo 1 2 "a b")) (newline)
(print/at-exp #'(foo 1 2 "a b")) (newline)
(print/at-exp #'(foo "a")) (newline)
(print/at-exp #'(foo "a" "b")) (newline)
(print/at-exp #'(foo "a " "b")) (newline)
(print/at-exp #'(foo "a is " a " and b is " b)) (newline)
(print/at-exp #'(foo "a" "b" 1 2)) (newline)
(print/at-exp #'(foo "The " (code "x") " argument.")) (newline)


@foo[1 2]
@foo[1 2]{a}
@foo[1 2]{a b}
@foo[1 2]{a b}
@foo{a b}
@foo{a is @|a| and b is @|b|}
@foo{The @|(code x)| argument.}

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