> So, what is the best way?

Neither will help promote the language, I'm afraid. 

But if you post your questions on this mailing list, it will bring the list a 
little more traffic, and thus, by your reasoning, make it a happier place. 
Whereas Stack Overflow will be depressing no matter what.

Here's one good way to promote the language:

1) Make something impressive with Racket.
2) When someone asks "how did you make that?" give Racket all the credit.

Don't cut corners in step (1).

On Wednesday, December 9, 2015 at 3:33:14 AM UTC-8, Lux wrote:
> I have several questions about Racket and DrRacket to ask in the next days. I 
> have a feeling if I ask them on Stackoverflow.com it can be a minuscule 
> contribution to its promotion as a language (spreading the word), and I can 
> accept to receive less answers there.
> It can contribute also to the increase of reputation points (which can be of 
> some utility) of the experts answering.
> But I think also a low traffic mailing list can be depressing... Pardon me if 
> I reason "politically" here, even if my single action can do little I like to 
> try to go for the best way. And I really want to raise attention over Racket 
> for reason already exposed in the past (shortly: it is great).
> So, what is the best way?

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