The reason the "E_1" and the "e_1" are treated differently is that the
"e" is mentioned in "binding" position of the shortcut. That is what
makes it special. Does this make sense? (Have a read of the paragraph
in the redex docs for reduction-semantics that talks about shortcuts
and let me know if it makes more sense now and, even better, if you
have any suggestions for edits!)

What if I were to actually make it do what people seem to think it
does, in the case that the chosen name is a non-terminal? So, if you
write a shortcut whose name is NOT a non-terminal, say "x" then it
would be like you wrote "any_x". And if you used a non-terminal, then
the shortcut would apply only when the expression actually matches the
corresponding non-terminal. Redex would still have to insist that the
parameters to the shortcuts are identifiers, but I could add in that

This is also backwards incompatible, but in a different way, tho. So
that's slightly worrying. This form of backwards incompatibility has
the downside that it will just make things stop reducing instead of
getting a syntax error. So we'd have to like it a LOT to go this way.


On Sun, Dec 20, 2015 at 2:44 AM, William J. Bowman
<> wrote:
> I noticed this last week when I upgraded Redex for other reasons. It
> broke one of my models, and I was momentarily confused. In fact, I
> took the error message to mean I had somehow introduced an error and
> spent some time staring at my tests to see if I had introduced a
> syntax error. I only fixed the issue after investigating the git
> commits to Redex.
> It is a little confusing that, in this one place (AFAIK), I have to
> arbitrary names rather than non-terminal names. It is also strange
> that my context non-terminal do not trigger this error. That is, with
> non-terminals E and e defined, [(--> (in-hole E e_0) (in-hole E e_1))
> ...] triggers an error while [(--> (in-hole E e0) (in-hole E e1))]
> does not; perhaps this is just my misunderstanding of how
> reduction-relation works.
> --
> William J. Bowman
> On Sat, Dec 19, 2015 at 09:12:53AM -0600, Robby Findler wrote:
>> I've recently pushed a change to Redex
>> ( that disallows the
>> names of non-terminals in shortcuts in reduction relations. I did this
>> after seeing someone (quite reasonably!) assume that using a
>> non-terminal there meant the shortcut would work only for terms
>> matching those non-terminals, which is not how things actually work.
>> The upside of making this an error is that, instead of having to study
>> the minutiae of the reduction-relation-relation construct in the docs,
>> Redex users are told when they think redex is fancier than it is in
>> this respect.
>> The downside is that this broke a bunch of old models I had lying
>> around. I've fixed them (it's easy to do), but I worry that someone
>> who gets out an old model to show it to someone will be greeted with
>> this unexpected error message.
>> Any opinions on whether or not I should revert this commit?
>> Robby
>> --
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