On Sun, Dec 20, 2015 at 08:42:25PM -0600, Robby Findler wrote:
> The reason the "E_1" and the "e_1" are treated differently is that the
> "e" is mentioned in "binding" position of the shortcut. That is what
> makes it special. Does this make sense?
Yes, thank you.

> (Have a read of the paragraph
> in the redex docs for reduction-semantics that talks about shortcuts
> and let me know if it makes more sense now and, even better, if you
> have any suggestions for edits!)

I read through the documentation at
The closest paragraph I can see to talking about this seems out of date.

"Each shortcut clause defines arrow names in terms of base-arrow-name
and earlier shortcut definitions. The left- and right-hand sides of a
shortcut definition are identifiers, not patterns and terms. These
identifiers need not correspond to non-terminals in language."

Of course now, the last sentence requires s/need not/must not/. I would
also add a final sentence such as "Therefore, the output of the shortcut is
not checked against the syntax of any non-terminal."

> What if I were to actually make it do what people seem to think it
> does, in the case that the chosen name is a non-terminal? So, if you
> write a shortcut whose name is NOT a non-terminal, say "x" then it
> would be like you wrote "any_x". And if you used a non-terminal, then
> the shortcut would apply only when the expression actually matches the
> corresponding non-terminal. Redex would still have to insist that the
> parameters to the shortcuts are identifiers, but I could add in that
> restriction?
> This is also backwards incompatible, but in a different way, tho. So
> that's slightly worrying. This form of backwards incompatibility has
> the downside that it will just make things stop reducing instead of
> getting a syntax error. So we'd have to like it a LOT to go this way.
The fact that it will cause previously good code to fail silently
is rather unacceptable. Although, I think this changed behavior is
preferable because it matches the behavior of much of the rest of Redex,
and matches what people seem to except.

Perhaps a different syntax for this changed version of shortcut, and
deprecating the current version?

William J. Bowman

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