On Tue, Jan 05, 2016 at 06:51:33PM -0800, Emmanuel Oga wrote:
> On Tuesday, January 5, 2016 at 11:12:44 AM UTC-8, Matthias Felleisen wrote:
> > TR is intended for people who wish to add types retroactively.
> Not sure I understand this stance: 
> * Does this mean if I want to use types proactively, TR is not a recommended 
> PL?
> * Or maybe it means adding types proactively is just not a recommended way to 
> go in general, and types should only be added when the code base reaches 
> certain trigger conditions?
> > The actual purpose is to record with sound, checked types what the designer 
> > had in his head retroactively so that developers can benefit from this type 
> > information and so that the creation of *new code* can benefit from the 
> > (shallow but large) advantages of types and type checking. 
> BTW I did read this "actual purpose" paragraph. I'm just not sure how this 
> answers my comments above :-).

Using types proactively is, if I understand you, deciding the types 
before you write the code.  Or at the latest, at the same time.  So I 
this will be new code.

I think the following part of the quoted text answers your question:
+ the creation of *new code* can benefit from the
+ (shallow but large) advantages of types and type checking.

That's certainly how I use types when writing new Racket code.

-- hendrik

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