On Wed, Jan 6, 2016 at 2:01 PM, JCG <griffin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So, two things come to mind, Racket and SBCL because I've used them before, 
> and the ML family - Haskell, OCaml, and Scala.   Having tried Scala, I like 
> the language but the associated environmental baggage appeared heavy and 
> brittle from build dependencies. Both Haskell and OCaml seem quite plausible. 
>  Having types potentially in Racket keeps it in the running.
> Anyway, Racket floated first to the top because I reimplemented a network 
> service that really needed pattern matching to combat the growing complexity 
> of patterns.   I grabbed a familar (untyped) Racket and made a prototype.  
> Unfortunately, the prototype worked so well that I'm using it now for real.  
> Nevetheless, it has the smell of something that might be easier to maintain 
> long-term with compiler-checked type annotations.  Typed Racket has improved 
> or at least my utilization of it considerably since I looked at it about 4 
> years back.  Likewise, the places module which had previously been for me 
> ungrokkable and lethargic was now easy and fast enough.
> While those MLs are definitely still in mind, I'm going to get more 
> comfortable with Typed Racket first.

I'm glad you're enjoying using Typed Racket.

While our original goal with Typed Racket was to support the porting
process from Racket to Typed Racket, it's become clear in the 10 years
of Typed Racket development that many people prefer to start with
Typed Racket. That's a fully-supported way of using Typed Racket, and
plenty of excellent software has been written that way at this point.

Either way, I encourage you to keep using Typed Racket, and thanks for
the kind words -- we've put lots of effort into improving it in the
last 4 years, and hopefully we'll be able to address more of the
issues you've run into in the future.


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