I just checked that there wasn't a new bug in my old `html-parsing` package, in case that's which package you meant.

`html-parsing` correctly handles your example for me under Racket 6.3, so that package might be a backup option for you (but beware that it uses SXML representation, rather than the Racket `xml` representation).

#lang racket/base

(require (planet neil/html-parsing:3:0))

  "<div class=\"messageInfo primaryContent\">\n"
  "<div class=\"messageContent\">\n"
  "<blockquote class=\"messageText SelectQuoteContainer ugc baseHtml\">\n"
  "Message text here <br>\n"

;; ==>
;; (*TOP*
;;  (div (@ (class "messageInfo primaryContent"))
;;       "\n"
;;       (div (@ (class "messageContent"))
;;            "\n"
;;            (article "\n"
;; (blockquote (@ (class "messageText SelectQuoteContainer ugc baseHtml"))
;;                                 "\n"
;;                                 "Message text here "
;;                                 (br)
;;                                 "\n")
;;                     "\n")
;;            "\n")
;;       "\n"))


Neil V.

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