On Sat, Jan 16, 2016 at 11:29 PM, Brian Adkins <lojicdot...@gmail.com>

> I'm happy to run experiments and report timings though.
Since the profile suggests that string-trim is the biggest culprit
(followed by fprintf), try using this specialized version of string-trim

;; ===
(require racket/unsafe/ops)

(define (string-trim s)
  (define len (string-length s))

  (let loop ([i 0])
    (cond [(unsafe-fx< i len)
           (cond [(char-whitespace? (unsafe-string-ref s i))
                  (loop (unsafe-fx+ i 1))]
                  (let inner ([j (unsafe-fx- len 1)])
                    (cond [(char-whitespace? (unsafe-string-ref s j))
                           (inner (unsafe-fx- j 1))]
                           (substring s i (unsafe-fx+ j 1))]))])]
;; ===

Instead of fprintf-ing the tabbed values, you might try (displayln
(string-join fields "\t")). Of course, that requires building a list of
strings, which has its own cost.

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