I'm looking for an html parser that can handle real world web pages that are 
typically invalid (similar to Ruby's Nokogiri). I came across recommendations 
for the html-parsing package, so I went to: 


I couldn't find it via the parsing or parser tags, but using my browser's find, 
found html-parsing. The description states: "A fork of the Planet 1 
html-parsing library". On the documentation page, I see a history with the last 
entry being 0.3 2011-08-27 and the following require:

(require sxml/html)

Clicking on the following link at the top of the doc page:


takes me to Neil's page with a more recent history: PLaneT 3:0 — 2015-04-24 and 
the following require:

(require (planet neil/html-parsing:3:0))

Which package do I want?


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