I just wrote a simple 2htdp/universe program that animates a moving green 
rectangle. I was expecting to scale up to larger #s of rectangles, but I 
discover that moving the mouse affects the animation quite seriously. 
Specifically, moving the mouse in a small smooth circle causes the green 
rectangle to reduce its frame rate to about 7 frames per second. No GC activity 
is observed in the log box when gc@debug is added.

I’m going to include the program below: I haven’t tried to minimize it, but 
it’s still quite small. (76 lines of HtDP style.) I’m guessing this problem is 
not specific to this program.

FWIW, this is a 13” macbook pro, 16MB, running 10.11.4.

Is this a known issue?


#lang racket

(require 2htdp/universe

(define r (rectangle 40 40 'solid 'green))

;; represents a position on the screen
(struct posn (x y) #:transparent)

;; a shape-transition contains an image, a starting
;; position, and an ending position. It represents
;; a shape that moves from the start-pos to the end-pos
;; through the transition
(struct shapetrans (image start-pos end-pos) #:transparent)

;; in seconds:

;; in frames per second
(define FRAME-RATE 40)

(define SCENEWIDTH 400)
(define SCENEHEIGHT 300)

(define transition-frames (* TRANSITION-TIME FRAME-RATE))

;; given fraction of transition and shapetrans, compute
;; shape position
(define (trans-posn frac st)
  (define 1-frac (- 1 frac))
  (match st
    [(shapetrans _ (posn sx sy) (posn ex ey))
     (posn (+ (* 1-frac sx) (* frac ex))
           (+ (* 1-frac sy) (* frac ey)))]))

(check-equal? (trans-posn 0 (shapetrans r (posn 10 30) (posn -50 100)))
              (posn 10 30))
(check-equal? (trans-posn 1/2 (shapetrans r (posn 10 30) (posn -50 100)))
              (posn -20 65))
(check-equal? (trans-posn 1 (shapetrans r (posn 10 30) (posn -50 100)))
              (posn -50 100))

;; given fraction of transition, shapetrans, and scene, overlay
;; shapetrans-image at the correct location
(define (add-image frac st scene)
  (match (trans-posn frac st)
    [(posn x y)
     (place-image (shapetrans-image st) x y scene)]))

;; a world is a shapetrans and a frame number
(struct world (st frame))

;; draw a world
(define (draw-world w)
  (match-define (world st frame) w)
  (add-image (/ (modulo frame transition-frames) transition-frames)
             (empty-scene SCENEWIDTH SCENEHEIGHT)))

(check-equal? (draw-world (world (shapetrans r (posn 10 30) (posn 20 100))
                                 (* 5/2 transition-frames)))
              (place-image r 15 65 (empty-scene SCENEWIDTH SCENEHEIGHT)))

;; advance the frame by 1
(define (tick-fun w)
  (match-define (world st frame) w)
  (world st (add1 frame)))

(big-bang (world (shapetrans r (posn 10 30) (posn 20 100)) 0)
          [to-draw draw-world]
          [on-tick tick-fun (/ 1 FRAME-RATE)])

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