Hello Racketeers,

I come seeking advice. I'm trying to implement a Lisp-2 in Racket, but I've 
been unsuccessful in my initial attempts.

My goal is to be able to do something like the following:

(defun example (sym)
  (symbol->string sym))

(defvar example 'an-arbitrary-symbol)

(example example)
;=> "an-arbitrary-symbol"

And my here was my first stab at a solution:

#lang racket

(define-for-syntax functions-ns (make-empty-namespace))
(define-for-syntax values-ns (make-empty-namespace))

(define-syntax (defun stx)
  (syntax-case stx ()
    [(_ name (arg ...) body0 body ...)
     (parameterize ([current-namespace functions-ns])
       #'(define (name arg ...)
           body ...))]))

(define-syntax (defvar stx)
  (syntax-case stx ()
    [(_ name value)
     (parameterize ([current-namespace values-ns])
       #'(define name value))]))

;; Let's see whether these work.
(defvar example 'an-arbitrary-symbol)
(defun example (sym) (symbol->string sym))
(example example)
;;=> symbol->string: contract violation
;;=>   expected: symbol?
;;=>   given: #<procedure:example>
;;=>   context...:
;;=>    /opt/homebrew-cask/Caskroom/racket/6.4/Racket 

I'll be deeply grateful for help you can provide.


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