In Perl it's possible to generate main-namespace functions like so:

perl -E 'my $z = 1; for (qw/foo bar baz/) {my $x = $_; *$_ = sub{ say "$x:
", $z++ }};  foo(); bar(); baz();'

This outputs:
foo: 1
bar: 2
baz: 3

Note that it is generating top-level subroutines that can be called from
elsewhere in the program (including other modules) and that those
subroutines close over existing lexical variables.

I tried to do this in Racket and haven't been able to figure it out:

First attempt, only partial solution:
$ racket
-> (for ((name '(x y z))) (define name (lambda () (displayln "foo"))))

; /Applications/Racket_v6.3/collects/racket/private/for.rkt:1487:62: begin
;   (possibly implicit): no expression after a sequence of internal
;   in: (begin (define name (lambda () (displayln "foo"))))
; [,bt for context]

I found 'eval', but that doesn't close over lexical variables ( "The eval
function cannot see local bindings"):

$ racket
Welcome to Racket v6.3.
-> (let ((xyz 1)) (for ((name '(x y z))) (eval `(define ,name (lambda ()
(displayln (format "~a: ~a" ,name ,xyz) (set! xyz (add1 xyz))))))))

-> (x)
; xyz: undefined;
;  cannot reference undefined identifier
; [,bt for context]

What have I not found?

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