Yes.  Yes, that exactly solves my problem.  *sheepish look*   Thanks.

On Tue, Aug 9, 2016 at 8:47 PM, Matthew Butterick <> wrote:

> On Aug 9, 2016, at 7:52 PM, David Storrs <> wrote:
> > This solves the problem of creating top-level bindings at run time (more
> or less run time, anyway), but it doesn't handle the lexical closure part.
> Is there a way to do that?
> The code generated by a macro automatically adopts the lexical context at
> the macro-definition site. So is this not analogous to your Perl code?
> ;;;;;;;
> #lang racket
> (define z 1)
> (define-syntax-rule (makefuns name ...)
>   (begin
>     (define (name)
>       (displayln (format "~a: ~a" 'name z))
>       (set! z (+ z 1))) ...))
> (makefuns foo bar baz)
> (foo) ; prints "foo: 1"
> (bar) ; prints "bar: 2"
> (baz) ; prints "baz: 3"

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