On Sat, 20 Aug 2016 14:45:24 -0500,
William G Hatch wrote:
> > Is this at all related to Vincent's work? [1]
> > 
> > [1]: https://github.com/stamourv/rash
> I had no idea that existed.  (in my defense, I did google "racket
> shell", "racket rash", etc before starting this)
> I'll have to look at it as well.

FWIW, the one thing that my `rash` really did was to put your $PATH in
your Racket namespace. That's one of the aspects of bash that I think
are really interesting and useful, and was the motivation for the project.
That it's also a nice showcase for `#%app` is just gravy. :)

The other aspect of bash that I find interesting, and was hoping to
capture in `rash` was easy port redirection, pipelines, etc. bash makes
simple patterns really easy. Racket is more flexible, but requires more
scaffolding. I didn't find a design that would combine the simplicity of
bash with Racket's syntax.

Then there's also the implicit coercion story. Unix utilities basically
all consume newline-separated strings. Racket functions typically need
more specific kinds of inputs. So mixing the two together (which is
really the point of having bash as a #lang) ended up requiring a lot of
adapters. It's not clear to me how to get that without making the result
as "ad-hoc" as bash itself, though.

Anyway, just a few thoughts on the topic.


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