On Mon, Aug 22, 2016 at 12:59 AM, William G Hatch <will...@hatch.uno> wrote:
> I've looked over the scsh docs at various times, though I've never
> actually used it -- it's never been pre-packaged for distros I've
> used, and every time I've tried to build it I've run into errors.
> Perhaps I should try again.  As far as the process syntax goes, a
> little bit of macros over my pipeline library should be able to get
> you something pretty close.  I'll probably do that later.

There were some problematic points with the scsh macro -- something
around the implicit backquoting that made things not compose nicely.
I think that this was what Mike Sperber told me at some point.

                   ((x=>x(x))(x=>x(x)))                  Eli Barzilay:
                   http://barzilay.org/                  Maze is Life!

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