According to the documentation for the canvas<%> interface you cannot rely on 
the canvas not being cleared 

Even when the canvas’s style suppresses explicit clearing of the canvas, a 
canvas may be erased by the windowing system due to window-moving and -resizing 
operations. For a transparent canvas, “erased” means that the canvas’s parent 
window shows through.

I suspect the window system clears the canvas when the frame is resized.


On Friday, September 16, 2016 at 9:06:01 AM UTC+8, David K. Storrs wrote:
> How do I draw into a canvas and have the results persist past the next call 
> to paint-callback?
> Given the code below I was expecting to see:
> 1) A window opens with a diagonal green line on it
> 2) A vertical blue line appears, crossing with the green line
> 3) The window goes fullscreen, still showing the green and blue lines
> Instead what I get is:
> 1) A window appears with vertical blue line
> 2) The blue line disappears and is replaced by a diagonal green line
> 3) The window goes fullscreen.  Only the green line is shown.
> I'm guessing that what's happening is that the window opens, completes going 
> through the script (and therefore calling the section of code that displays 
> the blue line), then the on-paint event is triggered and erases the canvas's 
> dc before calling the paint callback.
> I tried removing the paint-callback on the theory that the default one 
> probably just told the dc to render its content.  That made no change except 
> that (unsurprisingly) the green line is not painted -- the blue line is, but 
> promptly disappears.
> Assuming I'm right about what's going on, how do I draw into a dc and have 
> the changes persist?  
> #lang racket
> (require racket/gui)
> (define-values (w h) (get-display-size))
> (displayln (format "Display size (pixels): ~a x ~a" w h))  ;; 1440 x 877
> (define frame (new frame%
>                    (label "Example")
>                    (width w)
>                    (height h)
>                    ))
> (define canvas
>   (new canvas%
>        (parent frame)
>        (style '(border hscroll vscroll resize-corner))
>        (paint-callback (lambda (canvas dc)
>                          (send dc set-pen (send the-pen-list 
> find-or-create-pen "green" 1 'solid))
>                          (send dc draw-line 0 0 1430 867)
>        ))))
> (define dc (send canvas get-dc))
> (send frame show #t)
> (send dc set-pen (send the-pen-list find-or-create-pen "blue" 1 'solid))
> (send dc draw-line 700 0 700 877)
> (send frame fullscreen #t)

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