
I have a program that takes 17 seconds and ~260 MB of memory.
If I use errortrace on it, the numbers grow about tenfold: 150 seconds and 
2600+ MB.

That is just compilation; in the runtime the program does almost nothing and 
terminates quickly.
I know little about how errortrace works and ask for help.
My understanding of the problem is shaped into three questions.

Question 1. Is it normal for errortrace?

Note 1: I am using errortrace just for getting the stack trace of a runtime 

        (lambda (e)
          (for ((stack-elem (continuation-mark-set->list
                             (exn-continuation-marks e) errortrace-key)))

Note 2: The program which stack trace I am interested in is require-d
dynamically, and is actually written in non-lispy language.
errortrace does a great job in planting its continuation marks
into syntax objects that are generated by the parser and
the compiler for that language.

Question 2: Is there an option for errortrace to reduce its time and memory
consumption and still provide the continuation marks for stack trace?
I tried (profiling-record-enabled #f), it did not help.

Question 3: Is there another way to programmatically get a stack trace for a
dynamically loaded program? Am I using a sledgehammer to crack a nut?

Best regards,


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