One relatively easy solution would be to just compile patterns to
regular expressions and use Racket’s built-in match form. Writing this
as a match-expander is fairly straightforward:

  #lang racket

  (require (for-syntax racket/string

    (define-syntax-class svp
      #:attributes [id regex-str]
      [pattern id:id
               #:attr regex-str "(.*)"]
      [pattern str:str
               #:attr regex-str (regexp-quote (syntax-e #'str))
               #:attr id #f]))

  (define-match-expander str
      [(_ svp:svp ...)
       #:do [(define regex-strs
               (string-append* (attribute svp.regex-str)))]
       #:with regex (regexp (string-append "^" regex-strs "$"))
       (template (regexp 'regex (list _ (?? ...)))]))

This will compile string-match patterns into regular expressions by
converting identifiers into capturing groups, (.*), and converting
string literals into patterns that match themselves using regexp-quote.
This match expander can be used pretty easily as-is, but if you want to
use your string-match syntax directly, that’s just another simple macro

  (define-syntax-parser string-match
    #:literals [else]
    [(_ input:expr
        [(svp:svp ...) body:expr ...] ...
        {~optional [else else-body ...]})
     (template (match input
                 [(str svp ...) body ...] ...
                 (?? [_ else-body ...])))])

This handles your syntax, and ensures an else clause is both optional
and can only occur at the end. For all of the above code, you could
improve syntax-parse’s error reporting by adding some description
annotations, but I’ve left them off for brevity.

With the above definitions, your sm function is valid syntax, and it
works. However, the output is different from your expected output for
the final case, which matches the first case, producing the following

  > (sm "abc--123--456 bar end")
  '(abc--123 456 "bar")

I think this behavior is correct, since that input does match the
pattern specified without any further information (and I cannot come up
with a useful parsing scheme that would not parse that string given that
pattern). Greediness doesn’t really matter there, either, since a greedy
parser would produce the above result (Racket’s regexps are always
greedy), and a non-greedy parser would still parse, it would just break
the string into the components "abc", "123--456", and "bar" instead.


> On Dec 20, 2016, at 00:59, Daniel Prager <> wrote:
> While working through many of the puzzles in this year's I 
> tend to parse the input with a sequence of string-splits.
> This isn't too bad, but What I'd *really* like is a "string-match" form to 
> more elegantly process structured data, via a few strings based on a simple 
> (and greedy) left-to-right algorithm.
> For example:
> (define (sm s)
>   (string-match s
>     [(a "--" b " " c " end") (list (string->symbol a) (string->number b) c)]
>     [("the " object " is " adjective) (~a adjective " " object)] 
>     [("whole-string") 'whole]
>     [else 'no-match-found]))
> (sm "abc--123 foo end") -> '(abc 123 "foo")
> (sm "the fox is black") -> "black fox"
> (sm "whole-string") -> 'whole
> (sm "abc--123--456 bar end") -> 'no-match-found ; greedy strategy keeps 
> things simple and explicit
> But my macro-fu is too weak.
> 1. Can someone show me how to write this style of macro?
> 2. Is this of more general interest?
> Dan

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