> On Dec 20, 2016, at 12:59 AM, Daniel Prager <daniel.a.pra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This isn't too bad, but What I'd *really* like is a "string-match" form to 
> more elegantly process structured data, via a few strings based on a simple 
> (and greedy) left-to-right algorithm.
> But my macro-fu is too weak.
> 1. Can someone show me how to write this style of macro?
> 2. Is this of more general interest?

IIRC Alex Knauth's `match-string` package does what you want. 

But vanilla syntax patterns will match strings and numbers literally, and thus 
arguably amount to a "simple (and greedy) left-to-right algorithm".

#lang racket
(require (for-syntax racket/string))

(define-syntax (sm stx)
  (syntax-case stx ()
    [(_ "whole-string") #''whole]
    [(_ str) (with-syntax ([TOKS (string-split (syntax->datum #'str) 
               #'(sm . TOKS))]
    [(_ X1 X2 X3 "end") #'(list (string->symbol X1) (string->number X2) X3)]
    [(_ "the" ANIMAL "is" COLOR) #'(string-join (list COLOR ANIMAL) " ")]
    [else #''no-match-found]))

(sm "abc--123 foo end") ;-> '(abc 123 "foo")
(sm "the fox is black") ;-> "black fox"
(sm "whole-string") ;-> 'whole
(sm "abc--123--456 bar end") ;-> 'no-match-found ; greedy strategy keeps things 
simple and explicit

The tokenizer stashed in the second case is a little shameful. If you were 
making a DSL it would be cleaner to put that part in the reader, and then `sm` 
could omit that case.

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