Am Sonntag, 25. Juni 2017 14:24:27 UTC+2 schrieb
> Hello today I made a translator for drRakket cause its a task of my teacher.
> I did it for one word but now I have to make it with a whole setence. I know 
> I have to work with cons somehow but I just dont get how to make it. My 
> teacher doesnt understand it himself (he uses a pdf which gives all the tasks 
> and wont give us solutuions) so you guys are my only hope.
> Here is my current code (Sorry for the german ( wort means word, lexikon is 
> the list with all the words in 3 langauges) and sprache means language)
> #lang racket
> (define *lex*
> '((cat    gato   katze)
>   (dog   perro  hund)
>   (eats   come  frisst)
>   (jumps   salte   springt)
>   (the   el   die)))
> (define (translator wort lexikon sprache)
>   (cond ((null? lexikon) '(Wort wurde nicht gefunden)) 
>         ((or (equal? wort (first (first lexikon))) 
>          (equal? wort (first (rest (first lexikon)))) 
>          (equal? wort (first (rest (rest (first lexikon))))))
>        (cond
>          ((equal? sprache 'english) (first (first lexikon))) 
>          ((equal? sprache 'spanisch) (first (rest (first lexikon)))) 
>          ((equal? sprache 'deutsch) (first (rest (rest (first lexikon)))))) 
>             )  
>         (else (translator wort (rest lexikon) sprache)) 
>         ))
> So (translator 'cat *lex* 'deutsch) will give the german word for cat which 
> is Katze.
> But now I have to change the code that (translator '(the dog jumps) *lex* 
> 'deutsch) will give me "die hund springt".
> Can anyone help me? You are my last hope!

Thanks guys for the help!

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