Oh, this variation might be easier than writing enough OS from scratch to run Racket, and perhaps more interesting: go directly from figuring out the magical incantations (device initialization, etc.) to bring up a RasPi to the point you can blink an LED, to displaying something on the video device, to running your own R5RS Scheme REPL, implemented in C or assembly.

Don't be scared away from coding your own Scheme from scratch. A whole lot of them got started that way, because it's easy to code your own (If you borrow existing approaches for garbage collection and evaluation with tail calls), then do something different with it. In your case, you're implementing Scheme on bare metal, and can see how that can accommodate Scheme. For possibly easier debugging, you can develop your ARM Scheme implementation mostly on your Linux desktop, in normal userspace and/or in an ARM QEMU.

Later on, you can borrow key stuff from Racket, like its syntax reading&transforming and phases&modules.

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