Lovely! I was thinking along these lines, but you hit it out of the park. 
Sounds like you must be avoiding some really important task!


> On Oct 14, 2017, at 11:31, Ryan Culpepper <> wrote:
> On 10/14/2017 05:01 AM, George Neuner wrote:
>> On 10/14/2017 3:00 AM, Jack Firth wrote:
>>>    So is there a way ... from normal code ... to get at the locals of
>>>    functions higher in the call chain?  Or at least the immediate
>>>    caller?
>>>    Some reflective capability that I haven't yet discovered?
>>> I'm not sure if there's a way to do that, but I'm wondering if what you 
>>> want to do can be achieved more simply with plain functions and a very 
>>> small macro wrapper. In particular, I suspect putting too much logic in the 
>>> macro is what led you to eval which is the root of all evil. From what I 
>>> can tell there shouldn't be any need at all for eval or any sort of dynamic 
>>> runtime compilation to do things like what you're describing. Could you 
>>> give a few more details about your use case? Ideally with some example code 
>>> illustrating the problem?
>> Basically, this is a sort of Unix at-like function for flexible scheduling.  
>> It takes an expression containing dates, times, certain keywords and 
>> arbitrary numeric expressions, and it produces seconds since the epoch.  
>> Code is attached - hope it survives posting to the list.  It should be 
>> runnable as is.
>> What led me to eval originally was wanting to reference arbitrary 
>> functions/variables from the runtime environment.  I'd like to be able to say
>> things like:
>>    (let [(y 42)] (schedule (at now + y mins) ...))
>> and similar involving top-level defined functions [which already works with 
>> eval].
>> I know that eval is not needed if I generate inline code rather than having 
>> the macro invoke a normal function.  But that is complicated by having to 
>> deal with free form expressions: they can have internal references between 
>> things which are not necessarily adjacent.  It is doable, but at some 
>> expense and not very cleanly.
>> I started out going the "compile" route - just generating inline code.  But 
>> as more functionality was added, that became unwieldy. So I switched to a 
>> runtime function. Right now the assoc list code is overly complex [so please 
>> ignore it] - it is there as a debugging tool until I get everything working 
>> exactly right.
> Your example above shows that you want the `at` macro to accept a mixture of 
> Racket expressions and syntax that you interpret. If you want to accept 
> Racket expressions, you must leave them as syntax objects. Once you flatten 
> them with `syntax->datum`, there is *no way* to *correctly* recover their 
> meaning.
> Here's my attempt to adapt the HtDP design recipe to a scaled-down version of 
> this problem.
> First, let's think about the syntax (grammar) that `at` should accept. Let's 
> call it a Time. What are some reasonable Times?
>  now
>  now + 30     ;; means 30 seconds
>  today
>  tomorrow + 20 mins
>  now + x mins + (/ ms 1000) secs
>  "2017-10-14 1:17:25" + 30 mins
> But there are also some terms that are nonsense as Times:
>  12
>  today + tomorrow
>  now mins
> Let's say (as a place to start) that a Time consists of an absolute reference 
> point (like now or today) and some number of offsets. Here's a grammar:
>  ;; Time = TimeBase {+ TimeExt}*
>  ;; TimeBase = now | today | String[Date]
>  ;; TimeExt = Expr[Real] MaybeUnit
>  ;; MaybeUnit = <nothing> | secs | mins
> Let's call the *meaning* of a Time a TimeVal, and let's represent it as a 
> real number of seconds, using the same epoch as (current-seconds).
>  ;; A TimeVal is a real number of seconds
>  ;; using the same epoch as (current-seconds)
> The meaning of TimeBase is also a TimeVal. The meanings of TimeExt and 
> MaybeUnit are both Real (they are duration and durations scales; they have no 
> epoch).
> Now to translate that plan to Racket.
> First, turn keywords like `now` into "illegal use" macro definitions:
>  (begin-for-syntax
>    (define (at-keyword stx)
>      (raise-syntax-error #f "illegal use of `at` keyword" stx)))
>  (define-syntax now at-keyword)
>  (define-syntax today at-keyword)
>  (define-syntax secs at-keyword)
>  (define-syntax mins at-keyword)
> Then define syntax classes for the nonterminals in the grammar. I'll also 
> define an `expr` attribute to compute the meaning of each term. For example, 
> the syntax class for TimeBase is
>  (begin-for-syntax
>    (define-syntax-class TimeBase
>      #:attributes (expr) ;; expression of TimeVal
>      #:literals (now today)
>      (pattern now
>               #:with expr #'(current-seconds))
>      (pattern today
>               #:with expr #'(today-fun))
>      (pattern s:str
>               #:with expr #'(parse-date-string s))))
> To avoid complicating the syntax class and also to avoid making the expansion 
> bigger than necessary, factor run-time behavior out into helper functions, 
> like `today-fun`:
>  ;; today-fun : -> TimeVal
>  (define (today-fun)
>    (define today (current-date))
>    (find-seconds 0 0 0 (date-day today) (date-month today) (date-year today)))
> Here's the syntax class for TimeExt. It uses `expr/c` to make sure the given 
> Racket expression actually produces a number.
>  (begin-for-syntax
>    (define-splicing-syntax-class TimeExt
>      #:attributes (expr) ;; expression of Real
>      (pattern (~seq (~var r (expr/c #'real?)) u:MaybeUnit)
>               #:with expr #'(* r.c u.expr))))
> Finally, `at` just wraps the work done by the syntax classes up as a macro:
>  ;; (at Time) -> TimeVal
>  (define-syntax at
>    (syntax-parser
>      [(_ t:Time) #'t.expr]))
> See the attached file for some of the missing pieces, like testing. It should 
> be possible to scale this approach up to the Time grammar you want.
> ----
> The other question you should ask is whether the benefit of the macro is 
> worth the cost to write it. Is `(at today + 30 mins + x secs)` that much 
> better than `(+ (today) (mins 30) x)`, which you could support with just a 
> few function definitions?
> Ryan
> -- 
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