Couldn’t Richard solve his second problem with the supply of a single type 
parameter to both new and alloc: 

#lang typed/racket

(define-type Addr Natural)
(define-type (Store α) (Listof α))

(: make-store (All (α) (-> (Values [-> (Store α)] [(Store α) α -> (Values 
(Store α) Addr)]))))
(define (make-store)
  (values (lambda () '())
          (lambda ({σ : (Store α)} {val : α})
            (define addr (length σ))
            (values (cons val σ) addr))))

(define-values (new alloc) [(inst make-store String)])

;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

(let*-values ([(s) (new)]
              [(s a1) (alloc s "hello")]
              [(s a2) (alloc s 42)] ;; comment this out and it type checks 

> (Context: I only actually intend to use `store' with a single type, but I
> want to define that type in a separate module.  Since the type's definition
> refers to `addr', I made `store' polymorphic to break the cyclical
> dependency.)

This of course calls for Typed Units, which are now available in Typed Racket 
thanks to Daniel Feltey. 

It might be worth trying it out — Matthias

> On Nov 10, 2017, at 12:10 PM, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt <> 
> wrote:
> Your intuitions about both questions are right here.
> First, type variables are only introduced into scope automatically in
> the function body for function definitions. You can use `#:forall`
> with `define` to use polymorphic types inline, but that does not allow
> you to define a polymorphic store value.
> Second, you're right that subtyping allows `store` to be covariant,
> meaning that anyone can put additional kinds of things in a store. You
> can change this so that store is invariant by making the allowed
> hashtables possible mutable, changing that field to `(HashTable addr
> \alpha)`. Then your last example won't type check. However, that will
> mean you need to pick an initial store type, instead of having it
> inferred, and it will mean that a `(store Integer)` is not usable when
> you need a `(store Number)`.
> Sam
> On Fri, Nov 10, 2017 at 11:10 AM, Richard Cobbe <> wrote:
>> I'm getting surprising results trying to define an abstract polymorphic
>> type in Typed Racket.  Could someone shed some light on this?
>> Consider the following definitions:
>>    (struct addr ([ptr : Natural]))
>>    (struct (α) store ([next-addr : addr]
>>                       [table : (Immutable-HashTable addr α)]))
>>    (: empty-store (All (α) (-> (store α))))
>>    (define (empty-store)
>>      (store (addr 0) (make-immutable-hash null)))
>>    (: alloc (All (α) (store α) α -> (Values (store α) addr)))
>>    (define (alloc st v)
>>      (let ([a (store-next-addr st)])
>>        (values (store (inc-addr a) (hash-set (store-table st) a v))
>>                a)))
>>    ;; definitions of inc-addr & other store operations elided for brevity
>> I have two questions at this point, a big one and a small one.
>> Small question: it'd be nice to define empty-store to have type
>> (All (α) (store α)) -- i.e., without the eta expansion -- but I can't
>> figure out how to do this.  In particular, the following doesn't work:
>>    (: empty-store (All (α) (store α)))
>>    (define empty-store
>>      (store (addr 0) ((inst make-immutable-hash addr α) null)))
>> I get an error that "type name `α' is unbound", referring to the use of α
>> in the use of `inst'.  This surprises me, because section 4.8.3 (Lexically
>> Scoped Type Variables) of the Typed Racket Guide seems to say that α should
>> be in scope here.  Does that only work for function definitions?
>> Is there another way to do this without the thunk?
>>                                 * * * * *
>> Big question: with the original version of empty-store, I get some very
>> surprising behavior.  Consider the following uses:
>>    (: s (store String))
>>    (define s ((inst empty-store String)))
>>    (define-values (s1 addr) (alloc s 3))
>> This type-checks -- even the application of `alloc' in the last line.
>> What's going on here?  In my understanding of parametric polymorphism, this
>> can't be well-typed: α cannot be both String and Positive-Byte in the same
>> type application.  Did I overlook something in the Typed Racket manuals
>> that explains this?
>> After the final definition, `s1' has type (store (U Positive-Byte String)).
>> This does look sound to me, in that the values in the store are indeed
>> either Positive-Bytes or Strings.  But this makes it difficult to use the
>> type system to prevent clients from adding non-strings to the store.  Is it
>> possible to express that restriction in Typed Racket?
>> (Context: I only actually intend to use `store' with a single type, but I
>> want to define that type in a separate module.  Since the type's definition
>> refers to `addr', I made `store' polymorphic to break the cyclical
>> dependency.)
>> Thanks,
>> Richard
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