> 1) At least one of the fields must be set at creation

What does it mean for one of the fields not to be set at creation? Is there
implicitly some not-initialized value like #f that is also valid for the
constructor? Do you want your accessor functions to raise an error if
someone tries to access a non-initialized field?

> 3) Both fields will return string? when accessed, as that makes it
> easier to insert into the DB when the time comes.

As you may know, the reference
<http://docs.racket-lang.org/reference/pathutils.html>warns that "some
paths may not be representable as strings" and that "decoding and
re-encoding the path’s byte string [to a string] may lose information". You
may be able to ignore this in your particular circumstances, but you might
consider using the byte-string representation of paths (which doesn't have
this problem), or this might be an argument in favor of multiple accessor
functions/methods which convert to different formats.

More broadly, what is the meaning of mutating one of the fields of your
struct? Is there a compelling reason not to use an immutable struct and
functional update?

> (let ([old-mut set-db-chunk-scratchdir-path!])
>   (set! set-db-chunk-scratchdir-path!
>       (lambda (chnk val)
>         (old-mut chnk (if (path? val) (path->string val) val))))))

Regardless of anything else, I would definitely not do this. To me, this
would "work against the idea of functional programming" far more than using
a class. (Also, I have the impression that mutating a module-level variable
can have performance implications.)

If I wanted to use a mutable struct with the sorts of wrappers you
describe, I would write a module with the struct definition and the wrapper
functions and export only the interface with guards, perhaps using
rename-out (or the rename option with contract-out) to give the wrappers
nice external names. I will sometimes even use a submodule for the purpose
of packaging up an abstraction and giving only a high-level interface to
surrounding code.

Alternatively, using a class could be a valid choice, but I would probably
only consider that if you have other code that uses racket/class: it seems
like a fairly large set of concepts to add just for this. I have come to
appreciate racket/class in the right circumstances, especially for
representing stateful objects or lots of variants with slight variations in
method behavior. I don't think there's anything inherently un-functional
about classes (and I'd say an immutable object is more functional than a
mutable struct).

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