I've had to do a lot of various crypto tools stuff from Racket (for consulting projects for which writing and validating a pure Racket implementation couldn't be cost-justified), and usually created separate Linux processes for off-the-shelf programs.

The "openssl" basket contains a lot of tools, and I've encountered at least a few real-world situations when I needed to use unlikely-sounding ones in Racket production code.  I wonder how much work to make a Racket openssl-super-fun-pak package that provides FFI or subprocess bindings to *all* the tools, and which would be tested&validated, and have some trustworthy party overseeing changes to it.

Or, if anyone is looking for a different winter or spring break project, you could implement some crypto algorithms efficiently in pure Typed Racket, and probably not using any "unsafe" features. (Warning: The standards for reusable crypto code are higher than for many other kinds of code.  Even though Racket is a safer language than C, you still have to be very careful about correctness, and about side ways information can leak.  To get the best learning experience, and to be the most useful to others, I suggest not treating this like a school assignment, when the top priority is to get A grades in all your simultaneous classes with not enough time, but as a mission-critical engineering responsibility.)

Or do pure Racket implementations of pixmap (e.g., PNG) manipulation algorithms, since it seems that no one can write a popular image library in C that isn't a neverending fountain of security vulnerabilities.

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