There are a few other problems with the code, but, most fundamentally,
there is no call `message-processing-loop`, so each place starts up,
handles the `'initialize` message, and terminates.


On Sat, Jan 13, 2018 at 4:37 PM, Zelphir Kaltstahl <> wrote:

> I would like to create multiple places and let them all print to the same
> output port, which is the output port of the main Racket instance, which
> creates the other places. Currently I have the following code, slightly
> adapted from the example in another topic here:
> FILE 1: main.rkt
> ~~~
> #lang racket
> (define (start-places places#)
>   "starts a given amount of places"
>   (for/list [(place-id places#)]  ; create a list of places
>     (let-values ([(a-place _a-place-input-port _a-place-output-port
> _a-place-error-port)
>                   (dynamic-place* "computation-place.rkt"
>                                   'compute
>                                   #:out (current-output-port)
>                                   #:err (current-error-port)
>                                   #:in (current-input-port))])
>       (printf "created place ~s~n" place-id)
>       (place-channel-put a-place (list 'initialize place-id))  ;
> initialize the place
>       a-place)))
> (define (stop-places places)
>   "simply terminate all places"
>   (for [(a-place places)]
>     (place-channel-put a-place 'terminate)
>     (place-wait a-place)))
> (define (main)
>   "entry point of the program"
>   (printf "you have ~s processors~n" (processor-count))
>   (let ([my-places (start-places (processor-count))])
>     (sleep 1)  ; why is this here?
>     (let loop [(messages (list 'the 'quick 'brown 'fox 'jumped 'over 'the
> 'lazy 'dogs))
>                (place-list-index 0)]
>       (cond
>         [(null? messages) (printf "main has no more work data")]
>         ;; we cyclically place work on the places - this might be not so
> good in all cases
>         ;; better would be to know what places still have work to do
>         ;; and let places which are finished signal that they need more
> work
>         [else (place-channel-put (list-ref my-places place-list-index)
> (list 'work (car messages)))
>               (loop (cdr messages)
>                     (remainder (+ place-list-index 1)
>                                (length my-places)))]))
>     ;; (sleep 1)  ; why is this here?
>     (stop-places my-places)))
> ~~~
> FILE 2: computation-place.rkt
> ~~~
> #lang racket
> (provide compute)
> (define compute
>   (let ([place-output (λ (fmt . output-data)
>                         (apply printf fmt output-data)
>                         (flush-output (current-output-port)))]
>         [place-id #f])
>     (λ (channel)
>       (place-output "place starting~n")
>       ;; here comes the actual work being done
>       ;; first we capture the exit continuation so that we can exit the
> place later using it
>       (let/ec finish
>         ;; then we loop to get all messages and react on them accordingly
>         (let message-processing-loop ([message (place-channel-get
> channel)])
>           ;; this represents the communication protocol between places
>           (match message
>             [(list 'initialize a-place-id) (set! place-id a-place-id)]
>             [(list 'work data) (do-work place-output
>                                         place-id
>                                         data)]
>             ['terminate (finish-gracefully place-output
>                                            place-id
>                                            finish)]
>             [else (reaction-message-not-understood place-output
>                                                    place-id
>                                                    message)]))))))
> (define finish-gracefully
>   (λ (place-output place-id cont)
>     (place-output "Place ~s is going to finish now." place-id)
>     (cont)))
> (define reaction-message-not-understood
>   (λ (place-output place-id message)
>     (place-output "Place ~s did not understand message: ~a." place-id
> message)))
> (define do-work
>   (λ (place-output place-id data)
>     (place-output "Place ~s got the following work: ~a." place-id data)))
> ~~~
> I am probably misunderstanding the docs
> <*#%28def._%28%28lib._racket%2Fplace..rkt%29._dynamic-place%2A%29%29>
> or I am making some silly mistake in my thinking. To me it seems that the
> docs are saying I can give `dynamic-place*` any port I want for the created
> place to use as an output port. Only if I give it `#f` it would create its
> own output port (or input or error port). I am giving the places the
> current output input and error ports, but I still see no output of these
> places in my Racket REPL in Emacs.
> What am I doing wrong?
> (On that note:
> I read elsewhere (Stackoverflow? Could be.), that I cannot pass procedures
> to places.
> Is there something preventing me from passing procedures as "data", as
> lists, to be evaluated with something like `eval`?
> Is the idea of allowing arbitrary computations to be distributed like this
> no good?)
> --
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