> On Feb 23, 2018, at 8:56 PM, Matthias Felleisen <matth...@felleisen.org> 
> wrote:
>>      • Racket J experimental package
> The docs suggest that this is a truly strange approach, writing programs as 
> strings and then compiling them into Racket.

This is a common thing with J implementations. J has the rough idea of syntax 
trees, but not exactly as a static property of a piece of code. Juxtaposition 
is very overloaded in J's concrete syntax. The way code parses (whether it's 
first-order function application, second-order function application, or a 
function composition form; which terms are arguments to which others, etc.) 
depends on the values held dynamically by the identifiers appearing in that 
code. The usual resources on how to write an interpreter by mapping abstract 
syntax to behavior don't quite get the job done for J because it's nonobvious 
how to map a whole program's concrete syntax to abstract syntax. Whether a 
given program has definite a parse tree is undecidable, so J implementations 
either don't statically construct a parse tree for the whole program or don't 
implement all of J. In the case of this package, the parser only gets as far as 
the paren-nesting structure, and then resolving anything within parens is 
handled at run time by the `sentence' procedure in private/sentence.rkt.

Justin Slepak
PhD student, CCIS

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