I know that, on Mac at least, it's expected behavior for the application to
exit when all windows are hidden with `(send frame show #f)`. I personally
think this is a great default, because it prevents the annoying behavior of
other applications that hang around open even when you mean to have closed
them unless you explicitly "quit". I believe there is a way to stop this
from happening when it makes sense for the application to be able to exist
with no windows (I think DrRacket does this, for example), but I've never

I wonder, though, about what you say about using a tcp server in another
thread: do you mean a Racket thread, a Racket place, or a machine thread
through some other mechanism? Racket's threads are "green" — they all run
in the same machine thread, giving you concurrency but not parallelism —
so, if that's what you mean, you could communicate over a channel or other
synchronization construct rather than converting messages to TCP-able
bytes. Using the Racket constructs to communicate between Racket threads
would certainly be more convenient than going through TCP, and probably
more efficient as well.


On Fri, Apr 27, 2018 at 12:21 PM, Tony Fischetti <tony.fische...@gmail.com>

> Hi all,
> I've been stuck on this for a while.
> Short version: When I hide a GUI window with `(send frame show #f)` the
> application (on a mac, at least) *exits* when I'd like it to just hide the
> application and leave it still running.
> More information:
> I'm developing a small (personal) application launcher on macOS to help me
> learn Racket. Since I'd like the input window to come up lightning quick, I
> currently have the application spin up a tcp server in another thread. It
> responds to TCP events by hiding and showing the input window. Everything
> works, except that when the main window is hidden, the application closes
> and the server with it.
> Any ideas would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!!
> Tony
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