Here is a variant of the program that asserts a phase level and breaks if it is 
not the expected one. This is just a programmatic confirmation of Alexis’s 
explanation of course. 

#lang racket

(module syntax-assertions racket 
  (provide assert-level)
  (define (assert-level i)
    (define observed
      (- (variable-reference->phase (#%variable-reference))
         (variable-reference->module-base-phase (#%variable-reference))))
    (unless (= i observed)
      (raise-syntax-error #f (format "expected phase level: ~a, actual phase 
level ~a" i observed)))))

(require (for-syntax (submod "." syntax-assertions)))


(module utilities racket/base
  (require (submod ".." syntax-assertions))
  (provide compile-test)

  (define (compile-test)
    (assert-level 1) ;; <— you want to run at this level 
    #`(lambda (i) (displayln `(input: ,input)))))

(require (for-syntax 'utilities))

(define-syntax (this-works stx)
  (syntax-case stx ()
    ((_ input)
     (let ()
       (define (compile-test)
         (assert-level 1) ;; <— you want to run at this level 
         #`(lambda (i) (displayln `(input: ,input))))

       #`(#,(compile-test) input)))))

(define-syntax (this-does-not-work stx)
  (syntax-case stx ()
    ((_ input to-do ...)
     (let ()

       #`(#,(compile-test) input)))))

(this-works 3)
(this-does-not-work 3)

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