On 12/1/2018 7:24 PM, 'John Clements' via Racket Users wrote:
I claim that it’s not quite as simple as that. For instance, consider this 

#lang typed/racket

;; this one type-checks as a Number:
  (let ()
    (define num (string->number "aoeu"))
    (unless num
      (error "Not a number"))
    (* num 2))

;; this one doesn't type-check at all:
  (let ()
    (define num (string->number "aoeu"))
    (unless num
      (error "Not a number"))
    (define double (* num 2))

The first one type-checks fine, the second one doesn’t. The only difference 
between them is that the first one returns the (* num 2) directly and the 
second one gives it a name.

Note that the ‘for’ loop is not important, I scrapped it. Also, I wrapped them 
in a type annotation using ‘ann’, just to show that they both type-check at 

Usually when I see something like this I confidently declare that it’s a bug, 
and then Sam explains that it’s not, because a continuation might jump sideways 
into the code… or simply that it’s too complicated a piece of code. In this 
situation, though, I’m not sure how that could be the case.

Finally, in the ‘due diligence’ category, this is DrRacket compiled from head, 
"version [3m]."


I agree, but it's not simply "giving the value a name" - it has something to do with the internal define.
E.g., this type checks:

     (let ()
       (define num (string->number "aoeu"))
       (unless num
         (error "Not a number"))
       (let ((double (* num 2)))

And as I mentioned already, the internal define works inside a COND [below in the quote].

My (maybe flawed) understanding is that internal define and let both create just a local and not a named binding.


> On Dec 1, 2018, at 10:40, George Neuner <gneun...@comcast.net> wrote:
> > > > On 12/1/2018 12:28 PM, hashim muqtadir wrote:
>> But this doesn't typecheck:
>> >> > (for ([x (in-list '("123" "432" "234"))])
>>     (define num (string->number x))
>>     (unless num
>>       (error "Not a number"))
>>     (define double (* num 2))
>>     (display (format "~s" double)))
>> . Type Checker: type mismatch
>>   expected: Number
>>   given: (U Complex False) in: num
>> >> Am I missing something here? > > That string->number returns #f if it fails - and if num is #f then (* num 2) is meaningless. > > The type error is telling you where you will run into the problem:
>   expected: Number
>   given: (U Complex False) in: num
> > You know that execution won't reach the multiplication if num is #f, but the compiler doesn't. > > > I'm not any kind of typed Racket wizard, but the type error goes away if you explicitly use a conditional:
>      :
>     (cond
>       ([false? num]
>        (error "Not a number") )
>       (else
>        (define double (* num 2))
>        (display (format "~s" double)) ))
> > If you use LET rather than the internal define, you can use IF instead.
>      :
>     (if num
>       (let ((double (* num 2)))
>         (display (format "~s" double)))
>       (error "Not a number")
>       ))
> > > George

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