At Thu, 6 Dec 2018 17:27:31 -0800 (PST), Alex Harsanyi wrote:
> * Racket CS runs out of memory when assembling a distribution (a "raco dist"
>   command) -- my current build script runs the equivalent of "raco make",
>   "raco exe" and "raco dist" from the same racket process, perhaps memory is
>   not released?

I'm seeing almost 2GB memory use for current Racket during the `raco
exe` step and 5GB with Racket CS. Neither of those numbers seems
reasonable, and I'll investigate more.

> * Build time for my application, "raco make", is 98 seconds for
>   Racket 7.1 and 187 seconds for Racket CS

That's expected, at least. Compile times are that much longer in Racket
CS, generating machine code instead of bytecode.

> * `df-test`, a test that runs mostly Racket code, has increased from
>   approximatly 5 seconds in Racket 7.1 to about 14 seconds in Racket CS.

Much of the difference here is load time. On my machine, it's 5 seconds
versus 10 seconds, where just loading "test/df-test.rkt" takes 3
seconds versus 7 seconds. Also, I think the loading effect is worse on
Windows, for reasons that I haven't yet tracked down.

Like compile time, load time has been a stubborn problem, but I'm
optimistic that we can improve load time.

> * the remaining tests, `db-test`, `trends-test` `aggregate-test` and
>   `fit-test` all have running times that are about 50% larger in
>   Racket CS when compared to Racket 7.1. These test spend a
>   significant amout of time running SQL code which has not changed in
>   timing, so the performance drop > of the Racket code is probably
>   worse than that.

I tried "db-test.rkt", where it's 15 versus 25 to run and 5 versus 9 to
just load. I'm not immediately sure why running is slower, but my
initial guess is that the FFI adapter in Racket CS needs work.

> Is Racket-on-Chez built in debug mode? The installation size for
> Racket CS is 1.9 Gb while the installation size for Racket 7.1 is
> approximately 0.5 Gb...

That difference is machine code (uncompressed) versus bytecode.

Thanks for the report! There's plenty here for me to investigate.


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