Hi all,

I'm exploring macros today.

I'd like to introduce a set of bindings. For example, I would like

(introduce tag a b c)

to become

(define (tag-get-a) ...)
(define (tag-set-a! v) ...)

or somesuch set of defines. I've discovered with-syntax and format-id, and
have had good success with introducing singular defines, but how to expand
the list of ids into a list of defines is something I'm not seeing yet.
Somehow, I feel like a macro that simply follows the natural recursion on
the syntax objects is probably the answer, but... that's like saying the
answer to a question in quantum mechanics is either 0, 1, or h-bar/2...

I'm looking at the define-cbr example in the documentation, and suspicious
that I'm reaching a point with my macro authoring where the ... and (...
...) are leaving me confused as to which layer of expansion I'm dealing
with as I look at my code. Hence, I'm asking for a nudge in the right


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