I'm wondering if...


is what I'm looking for (he says, answering himself)...

(define-syntax (introduce stx)
  (syntax-case stx ()
    [(_ tag ids ...)
     (with-syntax ([(getter ...) (datum->syntax #'tag
                                                (map (λ (id)
(format "~a-get-~a"

   (syntax->datum #'tag)

                                                     (syntax->datum #'(ids
           (define (getter)
             ;; Generating a do-nothing body for demonstration...
             (format "get ~a ~a" (quote tag) (quote getter))) ...

Here's one answer. And I just crossed with Jens...

Many thanks, Jens. That's much nicer. It illustrates how to decompose the
problem into a few clean helpers to make the resulting macro much clearer.

Thank you,

On Tue, Dec 11, 2018 at 5:07 PM Matt Jadud <m...@jadud.com> wrote:

> Many thanks, John.
> I've made it that far. I'll be more specific...
> Conceptually, I want...
> (define-syntax (introduce stx)
>   (syntax-case stx ()
>     [(_ tag ids ...)
>      (with-syntax ([(getters ...)
>                     (map (λ (id) (format-id #'tag "~a-get-~a" tag id)) ids
> ...)])
>        #`(begin
>            (define (getters) 'get-something) ...)
>        )]))
> so that
> (introduce tag a b c)
> produces
> (define (tag-get-a) ...)
> (define (tag-get-b) ...)
> (define (tag-get-c) ...)
> I am aware that I can't use 'map' in the context above. I... know, but do
> not understand, that the LHS of with-syntax is a syntax pattern. However,
> how I would generate a syntactic form that I would match against that
> pattern where I generate the identifiers for the defines (and then how I
> would appropriately use ... to indicate repetition of the defines form, if
> the structure above is even close) is what I'm wrestling with.
> Cheers,
> M
> On Tue, Dec 11, 2018 at 4:16 PM John Clements <cleme...@brinckerhoff.org>
> wrote:
>> In answer to at least one of your questions, top-level “begin”s are
>> “spliced” into their context to produce top-level bindings. So, for
>> instance,
>> #lang racket
>> (begin
>>   (define a 3)
>>   (define b 4))
>> (+ b a)
>> … evaluates to 7
>> I think this is not the only issue you’re going to run into, but it’s at
>> least one of them.
>> Apologies if I misunderstood your question!
>> John
>> > On Dec 11, 2018, at 1:12 PM, Matt Jadud <m...@jadud.com> wrote:
>> >
>> > Hi all,
>> >
>> > I'm exploring macros today.
>> >
>> > I'd like to introduce a set of bindings. For example, I would like
>> >
>> > (introduce tag a b c)
>> >
>> > to become
>> >
>> > (define (tag-get-a) ...)
>> > (define (tag-set-a! v) ...)
>> >
>> > or somesuch set of defines. I've discovered with-syntax and format-id,
>> and have had good success with introducing singular defines, but how to
>> expand the list of ids into a list of defines is something I'm not seeing
>> yet. Somehow, I feel like a macro that simply follows the natural recursion
>> on the syntax objects is probably the answer, but... that's like saying the
>> answer to a question in quantum mechanics is either 0, 1, or h-bar/2...
>> >
>> > I'm looking at the define-cbr example in the documentation, and
>> suspicious that I'm reaching a point with my macro authoring where the ...
>> and (... ...) are leaving me confused as to which layer of expansion I'm
>> dealing with as I look at my code. Hence, I'm asking for a nudge in the
>> right direction.
>> >
>> > Cheers,
>> > Matt
>> >
>> >
>> >
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