I'm not entirely sure where I got that from, but to me a procedure is a
("impure") function with possible side effects (printing, mutating a global
variable, sending emails, etc.). By contrast, in any given context, a
function is (again, to me) synonymous with "pure function"(*) and can be
called with the same values and will always return the same value, and
could in principle be substituted with any other function implementating
the same input-output specification without changing the meaning of the
whole program.

(*) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pure_function

On Sun, Jan 13, 2019 at 8:30 PM George Neuner <gneun...@comcast.net> wrote:

> On 1/13/2019 1:49 PM, Alexis King wrote:
> Disclaimer: this answer is extremely non-authoritative.
> Ditto.
> I think that, in Racket, the terms are used more or less interchangeably.
> The technical term is “procedure”, but as you point out, the term
> “function” is also used to mean the same thing. I don’t believe there is
> any distinction there that would be universally understood.
> On the other hand, in How to Design Programs (and its various teaching
> languages), my understanding is that “function” is the correct term and
> “procedure” is strongly discouraged. The documentation on implementing new
> teachpacks supports this understanding, in a section entitled Prohibited
> Words
> <http://docs.racket-lang.org/htdp/index.html#(part._.Prohibited_.Words)>.
> It states explicitly that “function” should be used instead of “procedure”,
> “selector”, “constructor”, or any number of other terms. It includes the
> following justification:
> These guidelines use few terms intentionally, emphasizing
> commonality among concepts rather than technical precision (which most
> students do not appreciate anyway).
> I imagine others on this list who wrote the above words can give a more
> authoritative answer should they find this one inadequate. :)
> Alexis
> Back in the day, "procedures" and "functions" were both considered a form
> of "subroutine"  [see compiler texts from 70s .. 90s].  They were
> distinguished from inline (GOTO) subroutines by being lexically scoped and
> taking arguments.   Additionally, there was the distinction that (like its
> mathematical counterpart) a "function" computed something and returned a
> value (or values), while a "procedure" primarily was intended to create
> side effects and (importantly) DID NOT return a value.
> Pascal enshrined that last distinction in its syntax, but it existed
> already in earlier languages.
> Scheme uses the term "procedure" I *think* because it was influenced by
> Algol.  For whatever reason, Algol called subroutines "proc" consistently
> regardless of whether they returned a value.  Possibly Algol's designers
> did that deliberately to avoid association with mathematical "functions".
> Racket began as PLT Scheme and remains (relatively) closely associated
> with Scheme.  So it's not surprising that there are wrinkles in the
> documentation.
> Aside:  also back in the day, the term  "pure procedural"  referred to
> programming without functions.  PP subsumed the notion of CPS, but was not
> synonymous with it - if the language supported it, procedures were
> permitted [in Ada parlance] to have "OUT" or "INOUT" parameters, through
> which results could be passed back up the call chain.
> To Ellen:  You might wish to educate your students re: the history.  For
> modern use I think Alexis is right - the terms are used more or less
> interchangeably and the historical distinctions largely have become
> meaningless.
> George
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