> On Feb 21, 2019, at 10:32 PM, Konrad Hinsen <konrad.hin...@fastmail.net> 
> wrote:
>  The main difference, as has been pointed out before, is that Python 
> generators are more common as an idiom for solving problems that in Racket 
> would typically be approached differently.

[[ This is of course ironic in a way, given how much research the Scheme/PLT 
Scheme/Racket community did on continuations and friends and how many times 
this was motivated in the introductions to papers with “generators” 
“coroutines” “threads” and similar, now-modern ideas of control. But it’s 
better to learn and to improve than to stick with old ideas just for the heck 
of sticking with them. Use control when appropriate. ]] 

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