Hi all,

I'm writing a macro which needs to break hygiene to introduce a function 
definition. Here is my current hygienic -- and useless -- version:

(define-syntax (named-query stx)
  (syntax-case stx (name-line)
    [(_ (name-line (_ 0) (_ "name") magic-name))
     (with-syntax ([name (string->symbol (syntax->datum #'magic-name))])
       #'(define name
           (lambda () (void))))]
    [(_ (name-line (_ 0) (_ "name") magic-name) . rst)
     (with-syntax ([name (string->symbol (syntax->datum #'magic-name))]
                   [modified-rst (cons (datum->syntax #'rst 
always-true-line) #'rst)])
       #'(define name
           (lambda () (query . modified-rst))))]))

The macro invocation will look something like this:

   (name-line (offset 0) (name-type "name") "tga-image"))

I know I need to use datum->syntax to create an unhygienic function 
identifier. But I'm getting hung up on the pattern variable 'magic-name'. 
How the heck can I use it do this? First, I convert it from a string to a 
symbol but then what? I've made various attempts but I can't figure out a 
way to use it inside the template and do what I need to with it. My 
attempts to use with-syntax* also fail with errors like "modified-rst: 
unbound identifier in module (in phase 1, transformer environment)".

I think my general problem is that I don't understand when and how I can 
use pattern variables. In this case I think I need to create a datum from 
the pattern variable so I can run datum->syntax on it. But I haven't been 
able to figure out how to do that in a template. For instance, this also 
fails to create an identifier I can use outside of the macro:

(with-syntax ([name (datum->syntax #'magic-name (string->symbol 
(syntax->datum #'magic-name)))])

I really appreciate any help.

-- Jonathan

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