Oops, I got the link wrong: 

On Friday, June 21, 2019 at 11:41:31 AM UTC-5, Ryan Kramer wrote:
> Target Audience: you have 10 minutes and you're familiar with libraries 
> that do SQL kinda like this:
> (from i "Item"
>       (where i".ReleaseDate > '2018-01-01'")
>       (select i".ItemName"))
> Article: 
> https://github.com/default-kramer/plisqin/wiki/Towards-Better-Relational-Query-Languages
> <https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fdefault-kramer%2Fplisqin%2Fwiki%2FTowards-Better-Relational-Query-Language&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNEE95mJxUmrwClZwEk8FXnCqkmU9A>
> Context: Plisqin is my SQL generation library, but I think of it as an 
> "alternate query language" because theoretically it doesn't have to 
> generate SQL. (But it probably always will.)
> I'm gearing up to release Plisqin 0.3 and want to improve my 
> documentation. If I can't explain these concepts to fellow Racketeers, I 
> don't stand a chance of explaining them to the general public.
> Thanks for any feedback!

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