> On Jun 15, 2019, at 8:31 AM, Robby Findler <ro...@cs.northwestern.edu> wrote:
> A standard way to work with this is to send a channel over in the
> first communication and then the communication that's specific to that
> initial request happens on that channel.

This is probably the crudest possible implementation of your suggestion, but 
this version avoids mismatched requests & responses. The `loopback-p` makes a 
table of the worker channels at the outset. After that, as it gets requests, it 
dispatches the response directly to the worker that issued the request.

(I'm not asking you to review this code, I'm just posting this for curious 
people of the future.)

#lang racket
(require racket/place)
(provide main)

(define (main)
  (define loopback-p
    (place ch
           (let ([chs (make-hasheq)])
             (let loop ()
               (match (place-channel-get ch)
                 [(list wpidx (? place-channel? wp))
                  (hash-set! chs wpidx wp)
                  (place-channel-put wp 'ack)]
                 [(list wpidx count)
                  (place-channel-put (hash-ref chs wpidx) (list wpidx count))])
  (define worker-ps
    (for/list ([i (in-range (processor-count))])
              (place ch
                     (match-define (list loopback-p wpidx wp) 
(place-channel-get ch))
                     (place-channel-put loopback-p (list wpidx wp))
                     (place-channel-get ch) ; wait for 'ack
                     (let make-request ([count 1])
                       (place-channel-put loopback-p (list wpidx count))
                       (match-define (list wpidxout countout)
                         (place-channel-get ch))
                       (displayln (format "worker request ~a:~a got response 
~a:~a ~a"
                                          wpidx count wpidxout countout
                                          (if (and (eq? wpidx wpidxout) (eq? 
count countout)) "" "### fail")))
                       (sleep (* 0.01 (add1 wpidx))) ; multiplier makes workers 
go at different speeds
                       (make-request (add1 count))))))
  (for ([(wp wpidx) (in-indexed worker-ps)])
       (place-channel-put wp (list loopback-p wpidx wp)))
  (map place-wait worker-ps))

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