Over the years I have loved Racket ... except for those parens ... if 
only.   I don't know when it happened but one day parens and I made a peace 
treaty, mind melded, became enlightened or just got tired of fighting, but 
right now I can't see a Racket without parens (s-exps). I have, in fact, 
grown rather fond of them.

There is the bottom up approach to grow Racket2 from examples and snippets 
of syntax all to be compared and endlessly debated.

Rhetorical mullings from the top down perspective is interesting.

Assume a Racket2 will not be another Ruby or Python as Racket is a BIG 
language and could not be compressed down to a simplistic Python or simple 
lisp without parens Ruby.  And what is the point of Racket2 being a Ruby or 
Python wanna-be anyway?  Would the world move to a better Python/Ruby?

Assume it will not be some variation of a Swift, Java or C#.

If moving from s-exp to traditional in-fix and f(x,y,z) function 
application makes sense to seek wider adoption, would not moving from 
functional to imperative also make sense? After all, all the popular 
languages are imperative, therefore, to enhance the likelihood of wide 
adoption should Racket2 be imperative as well?

But then wouldn't Racket2 be Algol2 or Ada2 with macros?

If it stays functional and expression based with macros then isn't Racket2 
then Dylan2?

Of the three axioms of Racket2, the f(x,y,z) proscription prohibits some of 
the cleaner syntax out there as used in SML and Haskell.  Is it a hard 
requirement to ensure full macro support can happen?

If Racket2 moves to be even more functional in thrust, drops the f(x,y,z) 
proscription and adopts currying then isn't Racket2 a polished up nextgen 

Maybe a nextgen SML2 for semantics and typing but with the lighter Haskell 
syntax (no laziness)?

What will be the magic twist for widespread adoption that Algol, Ada, 
Dylan, SML, Haskell and s-exp Racket, all with quality implementations, 
failed to achieve?  

How much of a languages adoption success is just shear dumb luck, the right 
place at the right time independent of the languages overall quality and 
capability? Does Javascript even need to mentioned here?

Should we cover all possible bases and make Racket and its "make languages" 
core a nextgen DotNet and put together a whole suite of languages, a Lisp 
like, an Algo like, a SML like, a Haskell like, a Java/Swift like, an 
Erlang like, ... all interoperable.   If that all of that happened tomorrow 
by magic would the world embrace Racket(2...).

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