On Monday, July 22, 2019 at 9:53:35 AM UTC-4, Greg Hendershott wrote:
> > Improved tooling also seems high-effort -- medium-risk -- 
> > medium-reward. I'll defer to those who concentrate more on tools, 
> > including the author of Racket mode for Emacs, to suggest a priority 
> > for this one. 
> Speaking of that, I had some plans what to do next. Even explore some 
> modest open-source funding. But Sunday morning hit the Pause button. 
> On Twitter I'm seeing some parody of old, sour, inflexible lispers who 
> only love sexprs. You know, fighting the inevitable electric car, which 
> is apparently on their lawn. Funny and unfair, both. 

Yup, saw the same thing, but, heh, the internet is nothing if not a 
fantastic straw man factory :)

> Although there are many ways and reasons to caricature me -- and I 
> heartily encourage anyone to do so, it's great fun! -- this doesn't 
> happen to be one of them. I spent a couple decades with C/C++. As my 
> mid-life crisis, instead of buying a sports car I learned Racket and 
> Emacs. Sexprs weren't a big deal; the new (to me) concepts were. Yes, 
> I've grown to really enjoy sexprs for editing (paredit), richer 
> identifier names, and not needing to check the tiresome board game rules 
> for operator precedence. But it's not like I can't use C or JS or Rust 
> or Haskell or Python or whatever syntax productively, especially when 
> not creating macros. In fact I can use those syntaxes by, say, using 
> those languages. 
> So for me, it's more like, "Well. If Racket will change that way, and 
> I'm skeptical it will help adoption, that feels like an inflection 
> point; a nudge to look around. Maybe spend more time with Rust or 
> Haskell or X, for the next ~10 years." 

Very astute observation re: the motivation for some to start looking 

I think I've personally made this a "tempest in a tea pot", and I now feel 
much better about continuing to be able to develop in #lang racket for a 
long, long time. However, one of my past frustrations is how good the lisp 
community has been at dividing and conquering itself. Being unfamiliar with 
some of Racket's unique benefits, I initially felt it was simply the best 
Scheme I could choose for professional development. Being 8 months into a 
large project in Racket, and seeing some of Racket's unique benefits more 
clearly now, I already know there are no other lisps that could currently 
lure me away, but folks who are just now looking may be getting a sense of 
some identity confusion. And I admit checkout out Chez Scheme a little more 
recently, but it would be too painful to give up Racket's benefits over 

I already spent 10 years with SML, Haskell, OCaml, Rust, Julia, among 
others, and concluded Racket was the best for me, so I really, *really* 
don't want to start that process again!

> I'm not saying this is strictly logical. It's how I feel now. I'm also 
> not claiming it should be any input whatsoever into decisions made, 
> except maybe to the extent I'm representative of more people (and maybe 
> not even then). 
> Even if I decided to spend less time with Racket, I expect it would be 
> more like a slow cross-fade. This is not an abrupt, "So Long and Thanks 
> for All the Standard-Fish" announcement. :) 
> But seriously I feel like I need to wait for the dust to settle, digest, 
> understand where things will be in a couple years. 

Please don't wait for the dust to settle Greg! 

While I think the Racket core team did a pretty poor job of communicating 
(only partly due to my ignorance) how someone who is primarily interested 
in using #lang racket should feel about continuing with #lang racket, my 
current (possibly naive?) sense is that I shouldn't be concerned. However, 
how I personally feel is irrelevant if enough other folks start looking 
around for lispier pastures :(

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