I am porting some C++ code to Racket that uses a function pointer.

C++ origin: See 294 through 306: 
Racket destination: 

How do I use function-ptr on debug-report-callback to produce a valid function 
pointer [matching this 

My current error comes from line 250, on the expression (function-ptr 
debug-report-callback _PFN_vkDebugReportCallbackEXT):

; function-ptr: contract violation
;   expected: (and ctype? (lambda (ct) (eq? 'fpointer (ctype->layout ct))))
;   given: #<ctype>

It seems that my error was that _PFN_vkDebugReportCallbackEXT was 
(_cpointer/null (_fun ...)), but I am not sure what should take its place.

- If I substitute _fpointer for _PFN_vkDebugReportCallbackEXT, I get the 
"application; not a procedure" error.
- If I substitute the _fun form with the signature I want, then I get 
"#<ctype>->C: argument is not `#<ctype>' pointer"

I suspect this has something to do with the callout concept from the manual, 
but I don't understand how it applies here.


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