Hi Matthew,

I reproduced "SIGSEGV MAPERR si_code 1 fault on addr (nil)" after specifying 
'#:atomic? #t', so not out of the woods yet.

If you wish I can help you set up Vulkan off-list.

> Will the callback definitely be invoked in the same OS-level thread as calls 
> to Vulkan functions?

Yes. [1]

Even so, I specified #:async-apply for grins. No change in behavior.

The only new development I can share is that the program now functions 
correctly, provided that if I comment out the expression that tries to register 
the callback. Previously the program was not even finished, so I can at least 
say the problem is isolated.

I tried setting PLTSTDOUT to "debug" and prepared a diff between the output 
when I try to use the callback, and the output when I don't try at all. Sadly, 
when the program breaks the last line from STDOUT is 'ffi-lib: loaded 

I'll wait for one more round of advice on troubleshooting before writing a 
repository that reproduces the problem with added logging in a C shim.

 "A callback will always be executed in the same thread as the originating 
Vulkan call."


‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Tuesday, October 29, 2019 9:35 AM, Matthew Flatt <mfl...@cs.utah.edu> wrote:

> I haven't been able to get Vulkan going on my machines, so I can't run
> your code enough to offer reliable advice.
> Still, I wonder whether making the callback atomic has any effect.
> To make the callback atomic:
> -   Change the definition of `_PFN_vkDebugReportCallbackEXT` to add
>     `#:atomic? #t` after `_fun`.
> -   Don't use `printf` in the callback, because that's not safe from
>     atomic code. Instead, use logging, which is ok to use from atomic
>     code.
>     "Atomic" means atomic with respect to the Racket runtime system, so
>     Racket won't try to swap its threads while running the callback.
>     Swapping threads involves coping the C stack, which often annoys C/C++
>     libraries.
>     Will the callback definitely be invoked in the same OS-level thread as
>     calls to Vulkan functions? If not, then specify `#:async-apply (lambda 
> (thunk) (thunk))` alongside `#:atomic? #t` to make sure the callback is
>     run in Racket's thread.
>     At Sun, 27 Oct 2019 19:57:52 +0000, Sage Gerard wrote:
> > I was still stumped on this one due to the opaque error message and repeated
> > comparisons to the original source appearing correct. I stepped away for a
> > while to think about it, and the only option I see to help me along is to
> > write a shared library in C that behaves similarly, and have it log noisily 
> > to
> > STDOUT whatever it gets from a Racket program.
> > Since writing this shim would be tedious, are there any additional
> > troubleshooting techniques or tools unique to Racket that can help me narrow
> > down the root cause of a crash in foreign code?
> > -------- Original Message --------
> > On Oct 25, 2019, 1:56 AM, Sage Gerard wrote:
> >
> > > Hi Ryan, and thank you for the detailed and informative reply!
> > > I gathered that I should trust Racket's handling of values across the
> > > foreign boundary more,
> > > and used what I learned from your email to get past one error. Sadly, I
> > > landed on
> > > "SIGSEGV MAPERR si_code 1 fault on addr (nil)" right after, and under a
> > > different context.
> > > The affected expression can be found at 1, and I verified that I do not
> > > try to use a NULL pointer.
> > > This is a case where foreign function returns a "dummy" pointer to another
> > > function whose
> > > signature the client is expected to know in advance, but the address of 
> > > the
> > > foreign
> > > function would NOT be known to get-ffi-obj since the procedure is loaded
> > > dynamically
> > > by the library itself 2.
> > > The Vulkan docs call for casting this pointer to the function I need. So 
> > > if
> > > I'm understanding your email
> > > correctly, I need to prepare a value such that I produce a callout object
> > > that knows the right signature.
> > > I tried using (cast) and (function-ptr), both of which failed with 
> > > different
> > > errors. The SIGSEGV error
> > > came from the (cast) case, which is visible in the source code now a few
> > > lines above the linked line.
> > > (function-ptr) seemed to produce a callback and not a callout, so it's 
> > > still
> > > not useful:
> > > ; application: not a procedure;
> > > ; expected a procedure that can be applied to arguments
> > > ; given: #<ffi-callback>
> > > I understand your point about conversions automatically happening as 
> > > values
> > > pass
> > > across the FFI boundary. But if I can't specify the requested type UNTIL a
> > > (cast)
> > > and I'm sure the destination signature is correct, then what do I make of
> > > the SIGSEGV error?
> >
> > t#L260
> >
> > >
> >
> > anceProcAddr.html
> >
> > > ~slg
> > > ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
> > > On Thursday, October 24, 2019 8:54 PM, Ryan Culpepper ry...@ccs.neu.edu
> > > wrote:
> > >
> > > > On 10/25/19 12:45 AM, Sage Gerard wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > I am porting some C++ code to Racket that uses a function pointer.
> > > > > C++ origin: See 294 through 306:
> >
> > https://github.com/Erkaman/vulkan_minimal_compute/blob/master/src/main.cpp#L294
> >
> > > > > Racket destination:
> >
> > https://github.com/zyrolasting/racket-vulkan/blob/master/examples/mandelbrot.rk
> > t#L240
> >
> > > > > How do I use function-ptr on debug-report-callback to produce a valid
> > > > > function pointer matching this signature
> >
> > https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.1-extensions/man/html/PFN_vkDeb
> > ugReportCallbackEXT.html?
> >
> > > > > My current error comes from line 250, on the expression (function-ptr
> > > > > debug-report-callback _PFN_vkDebugReportCallbackEXT):
> > > > > ; function-ptr: contract violation
> > > > > ; expected: (and ctype? (lambda (ct) (eq? 'fpointer (ctype->layout
> > > > > ct))))
> > >
> > > > > ; given: #<ctype>
> > > > > It seems that my error was that _PFN_vkDebugReportCallbackEXT was
> > > > > (_cpointer/null (_fun ...)), but I am not sure what should take its 
> > > > > place.
> > > > >
> > > > > -   If I substitute _fpointer for _PFN_vkDebugReportCallbackEXT, I get
> > > > >     the "application; not a procedure" error.
> > > > >
> > > > > -   If I substitute the _fun form with the signature I want, then I 
> > > > > get
> > > > >     "#<ctype>->C: argument is not `#<ctype>' pointer"
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > I suspect this has something to do with the /callout/ concept from the
> > > > > manual, but I don't understand how it applies here.
> > > >
> > > > The use of _cpointer/null seems wrong: its first argument is interpreted
> > > > as a tag, so that's the source of the last error you mentioned. The
> > > > `_cpointer/null` is unnecessary anyway, so just delete it:
> > > > (define _PFN_vkDebugReportCallbackEXT (_fun ....))
> > > > On line 250: I don't think you need to use function-ptr. The field
> > > > setter will automatically convert debug-report-callback (I assume that's
> > > > a Racket procedure) into a callback function pointer.
> > > > A callout is a foreign function gets converted into a Racket
> > > > procedure; a callback is when a Racket procedure gets turned into a
> > > > function pointer so it can be called from foreign code. Both are
> > > > described by _fun ctypes.
> > > > Here's a simpler example. Suppose you have the following C code:
> > > > /* demo.c /
> > > > / gcc -fpic -shared -o demo.so demo.c */
> > > > int an_int_fun(int x) {
> > > > return x + 1;
> > > > }
> > > > typedef int (*int2int)(int);
> > > > int apply_to_twelve(int2int f) {
> > > > return (*f)(12);
> > > > }
> > > > struct two_funs {
> > > > int2int f;
> > > > int2int g;
> > > > };
> > > > int apply_two_funs_and_sum(struct two_funs *tf, int arg) {
> > > > return (tf->f)(arg) + (tf->g)(arg);
> > > > }
> > > > Here Racket bindings for the foreign code:
> > > > (require ffi/unsafe ffi/unsafe/define)
> > > > (define-ffi-definer define-demo (ffi-lib "demo.so"))
> > > > (define _int2int (_fun _int -> _int))
> > > > (define-demo an_int_fun _int2int)
> > > > (define-demo apply_to_twelve (_fun _int2int -> _int))
> > > > (define-cstruct _two_funs
> > > > ([f _int2int]
> > > > [g _int2int]))
> > > > (define-demo apply_two_funs_and_sum
> > > > (_fun _two_funs-pointer _int -> _int))
> > > > In that Racket program,`an_int_fun` is a callout: a Racket procedure
> > > > that calls foreign code when applied.
> > > > (an_int_fun 5) ;; => 6
> > > > If you call`apply_to_twelve` with a Racket procedure, like this:
> > > > (apply_to_twelve add1) ;; => 13
> > > > then the FFI converts`add1` (a Racket procedure) into a function
> > > > pointer using the _fun type `_int2int`. Foreign code can use that
> > > > function pointer to call back into Racket.
> > > > Storing a function in a struct with _int2int fields does the same
> > > > automatic conversion. For example:
> > > > (define (f x) (expt x 2))
> > > > (define (g x) (expt x 3))
> > > > (define tf (make-two_funs #f #f))
> > > > (set-two_funs-f! tf f)
> > > > (set-two_funs-g! tf g)
> > > > ;; or equivalently, (define tf (make-two_funs f g))
> > > > (apply_two_funs_and_sum tf 3) ;; => 36
> > > > You can even fetch one of the function fields back and call it, like 
> > > > this:
> > > > ((two_funs-f tf) 4) ;; => 16
> > > > IIUC, that creates a callout procedure that calls the callback function
> > > > pointer that calls the original Racket procedure.
> > > > I gave `f` and `g` names so they wouldn't be collected, but in general
> > > > you need to make sure a Racket procedure doesn't get collected when
> > > > foreign code still has a callback for it. For example, the following
> > > > code is likely to crash: because the callback function pointer stored in
> > > > tf2->g refers to a Racket procedure that has probably been GC'd:
> > > > (define tf2 (make-two_funs f (lambda (x) (expt x 5))))
> > > > (collect-garbage)
> > > > (apply_two_funs_and_sum tf 3)
> > > > See the #:keep argument of `_fun` for more information.
> > > > Ryan
> > >
> > > --
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