
this is hopefully easier, but I can't figure out how to `(require/typed 
gregor)` inside a typed racket file. Here are my failed attempts (I want 
time to work, hence I try to import gregor/time):

#lang typed/racket

; Try to get time struct from gregor/time
(require/typed gregor/time
               [#:struct time ([hour : Integer] 
                               [minute : Integer]
                               [second : Integer]
                               [nanosecond : Integer])])

; This just checks that the time structure isn't in gregor
(require/typed gregor
               [#:struct time ([hour : Integer] 
                               [minute : Integer]
                               [second : Integer]
                               [nanosecond : Integer])]
               [current-time (->* () (#:tz String) time)])

These fail with errors of the kind 

only-in: identifier `struct:time' not included in nested require spec
at: gregor
in: (only-in gregor struct:time (time time2))

So, maybe I am wrong to think that time is a struct. But when I print one 
in the REPL, it says #<time ...>, which I thought would mean it's a struct.

My next step was to check the type of it in the REPL with typed racket... 
but that doesn't work since requiring gregor in a REPL with typed/racket 
leads to the same errors (obviously, since how would it know anything 

Hence, I fire up DrRacket, following the trail to the definition of the 
time structure and I find that the structure itself is never provided out, 
but only used to define the function `time?` and others. But that makes me 
wonder: how can I define the type for time so that I can use gregor inside 
typed/racket if I can't import the structure (which in my understanding 
defines the type of time)? I can't figure out what thing `(current-time)` 
is, apparently  `(struct Time (hms ns) ...)` but I don't see any contracts 
on hms or ns to figure out what they are... but even if I did, would I 
define my own structure `(struct my-time ([hms : HMS] [ns : NS])` and use 


PS: If any Vim users our there can tell me how to jump to definitions of 
required libraries I'd be ever so happy.

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