On 12/7/19, Marc Kaufmann <marc.kaufman...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks Ben and Jon, that did the trick.
> I realized when following the code that the structure wasn't exported - but
> I didn't know how to work around that. I now also checked the
> documentation, and the only thing I found on opaque types is
> https://docs.racket-lang.org/ts-reference/special-forms.html?q=opaque#%28form._%28%28lib._typed-racket%2Fbase-env%2Fprims..rkt%29._require%2Ftyped%29%29.
> What it says about opaque types is:
> "Opaque types must be required lexically before they are used."

The docs says a little more --- there are 4 sentences that come right
before this one.

I think those sentences would be better off with:
1. a link to `make-predicate`
2. and English words at the start & end of each sentence

Let me know if you have other suggestions

> followed by an example that is even now non-trivial for me to parse and
> figure out. (I started going down the rabbit hole when the `->` was not
> used in the first position of the definition, nor written as `. -> .` Turns
> out types can be defined via infix notation, which is nice but unexpected.)

The docs for -> show the infix notation.

Is the example still difficult to figure out? We could replace it, but
I'm not sure what could be better

(if want to stop using infix notation here, then the other uses on the
same page need to change too)

> So there are two questions:
> 1. What does #:opaque do?
> 2. How could I have found that out by searching - or essentially the way to
> do it was "Email the list". If the latter, that's fine, the email list is
> very helpful and it would be good to add some additional explanation of
> opaque types to the documentation of `require-typed`, and possibly even to
> the typed racket reference. Probably the part talking about typed-racket
> untyped racket interaction.
> Let me try answering my first question: #:opaque defines a new type via a
> predicate function -- here `time?` -- that is being imported (can I use it
> without require-typed? I guess there would be no point, but I haven't
> thought this through). This is not based on the usual type constructors
> using other types, but based on whether a thing returns `#true` when passed
> to the predicate, in my case `time?`. I assume this means that the type is
> verified via contracts, so if I do this a lot I should expect some run-time
> performance hits (if I call this function a bunch, which isn't an issue in
> my case).

Right, a `Time` is any value that `time?` says yes to.

About performance: in type-checked code, you can expect to pay for
every call to `time?` and nothing else. The run-time hit should be the
same as using cond/if with any simple predicate.

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