Hi all,

reading a past thread started by me, I realize that I should have learned 
how to implement Philip's advice on using stateless continuations, but well 
I didn't. So I still use vanilla `send/suspend/dispatch` and hence my users 
hit the "Sorry, this page has expired. Please go back." The quick fix is to 
tell them that they should go to page xyz.com. But I don't know how I can 
easily change this error message to add a link. Anyone?

I'm about to leave for travel or else I would have done some digging around.


PS: For some reason I keep hitting these errors faster than in the past - 
as in, within a few minutes. Any idea why that might be and how to increase 
the time? I can crank up the RAM of the machine too, anything that cuts 
down on developer time really. I'll be back in the new year to actually fix 
this, but not now.

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