On 3/25/20, Marc Kaufmann <marc.kaufman...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to switch off type checking on a file so that I can prototype
> faster without the wait for the type checker. However, my code also uses
> typed/2htdp/universe and typed/2htdp/image, and I get an error on
> `big-bang`:
>> Type Checker: Macro big-bang from typed module used in untyped code in:
> (big-bang ...
> So, is there a to run the program without running the type checker?

No, you'll need a hack-around to avoid the macro issue.

This macro+use might be safe, but in general TR can't be sure that
expanding a macro won't break the typed module.

> Relatedly, is there a way of reloading a *typed* racket file in the REPL (I
> can't get it to work with ,reload-require which just chokes somehow).

I don't know about this

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