> Thanks! For the first task I think you probably have to use the raw
> bitmap% object (since I guess you're using `read-bitmap`). 

Hi Robby, I don’t understand how to read a jpeg into a platform-bitmap. 
Probably I'm missing something in the documentation…  

> For the second, I guess you are creating very small bitmaps so
> probably this particular creation issue isn't affecting that part? If
> you really have a lot of them, you could probably implement some
> clever pooling that wasn't keeping all of the jpegs in actual bitmap%
> objects all the time but was just keeping ones that were likely to be
> looked at soon in bitmap% objects.

Yes, this is exactly what I’m doing. I’m preloading very small bitmaps in 
memory, display them to give to user a “preview", and then replacing them with 
a better version.


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